Building muscle and community in motherhood
About Us
We are all moms just like you! At FMC we offer high quality and motivational fitness classes that are safe for every stage of motherhood. We believe momming should be done together and that we are stronger in every way when we have each other. We set out to be an example to our babies and kids of how fun and important living an active lifestyle is!
Kathryn Schmidt Owner & Trainer
Kat is a certified personal trainer through NASM and mom to two.
Jen Dombrowski
Jen is a certified personal trainer through ACTION and mom to two.
Jordan Baker
Mom of two, Jordan is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified SPENGA instructor.
Amanda Jacques
Event Coordinator
Amanda is a mom of 2 boys and previous teacher. She loves bringing new activities to the group!
First-Time Class Pass
Your first-time visit is free. Come try us out!
Single Class Pass
In town for vacation or business? Come to a drop-in class!
10 Class Pass
Use for any morning class! Expires three months from purchase!
Monthly Membership
Get unlimited access to all of our morning classes and activities.
Maternity Leave Membership
.On maternity leave for 6 weeks? This membership gets you access to all of our classes during your entire maternity leave.

Try your first class for free!
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.